Our Treatments

Tooth-Colored Fillings

At our Cosmetic & Natural Dental Office in Sacramento, CA, we offer tooth-colored fillings as the gold standard for cavity treatment. These advanced restorations are made of a robust composite resin that closely matches the shade of natural teeth. Not only are they virtually undetectable, but they also provide effective protection against further damage. Our dedicated team takes pride in custom-making these fillings, ensuring that our patients are consistently thrilled with the results. Say goodbye to metal fillings and embrace the beauty and functionality of tooth-colored fillings at our dental office!
What are The Benefits?
Tooth-colored fillings offer a plethora of benefits when placed by our experienced dentist. First and foremost, they effectively address cavities, those pesky little holes caused by decay, and preserve the tooth’s structure while preventing infections. Plus, the material used for these fillings is highly durable, providing a secure fit and added protection against bacteria, enamel fractures, and cracks.

But that’s not all – tooth-colored fillings also boast a natural-looking appearance. At Cosmetic & Natural Dental Office in Sacramento, CA, we meticulously design them to seamlessly blend with your natural enamel, enhancing your overall smile aesthetic. Experience the magic of tooth-colored fillings and enjoy both functionality and beauty.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

The Tooth-Colored Filling Procedure at our Cosmetic & Natural Dental Office in Sacramento, CA

Have you ever wondered what the tooth-colored filling procedure involves?

Let’s demystify it! Fillings, one of the most common restorative dental procedures, are trusted to be routine and minimally invasive. We always prioritize your oral health, so before proceeding with the treatment, we’ll conduct a comprehensive examination to confirm that a filling is the best solution for you.

Once we’re ready to begin, we’ll numb your gums and gently remove any decay from the tooth. This prepares the space for the filling. Now, here comes the interesting part – dental bonding! Using a careful layering technique, we’ll build the filling bit by bit, and then with the help of a specialized laser, we’ll harden the resin.

Rest assured, as experts in our field, we’re committed to making this procedure as comfortable and effective as possible. So let us take care of your precious smile!

Book a schedule now and let’s see what we can improve