Our Treatments

Porcelain Veneers

Forget about tooth imperfections with the remarkable solution of porcelain dental veneers. These thin, ceramic shells offer a refreshed and attractive appearance by concealing damage, misalignment, and staining. Unlike dental crowns, veneers cover only the visible portion of the tooth, making them both effective and aesthetically pleasing. At the Cosmetic & Natural Dental Office in Sacramento, CA, we specialize in porcelain veneers to address a wide range of dental concerns. Our personalized consultations allow us to understand your cosmetic goals and create a tailored treatment plan.
Why You May Need to Replace Your Porcelain Veneers
At Cosmetic & Natural Dental Office, we understand that there are several factors that can lead patients to seek a veneer upgrade. Perhaps you’ve had veneers done by another dentist and now want to enhance them. It could be that your current veneers are chipped, cracked, damaged, discolored, or even detached. Maybe you simply desire a new smile design using advanced planning techniques and high-quality veneers. We’ve also had patients who were unsatisfied with previous veneer work done by less experienced dentists. Some individuals come to us looking to upgrade from just one or a few veneers to a complete smile makeover. Others may have developed new dental problems or cosmetic issues that prompt them to redo their entire smile with new veneers. And sometimes, after waiting for financial stability, people are finally ready to invest in the smile of their dreams.

If you’re considering replacing your current veneers with new ones, rest assured that Cosmetic & Natural Dental Office in Sacramento, CA is here to help you achieve a beautiful and satisfying smile.

Porcelain Veneers

The Fascinating Process of Porcelain Veneers

Interested in knowing what happens during the porcelain veneers procedure? Let us walk you through the process step by step. First, we start by taking an impression of your teeth using our advanced system. This allows us to create custom-made porcelain veneers specifically designed to fit comfortably on the affected teeth. Once the veneer is ready, we ensure it matches the surrounding teeth or meets your aesthetic preference by color-tinting it. Then, we securely attach it to the tooth using a durable cement.

While you wait for the permanent veneers to be returned from the ceramist, we provide you with temporary veneers to maintain your smile. These temporary veneers are a great way to conceal any damaged teeth, giving you a healthy-looking appearance until your permanent veneers are ready in a short period of time. At Cosmetic & Natural Dental Office, our extensive experience and attention to detail enable us to design veneers that are not only beautiful but also look incredibly natural. Plus, the color of porcelain veneers remains unchanged over time, ensuring your teeth stay bright and vibrant.

Porcelain dental veneers offer a fantastic solution to common dental problems, helping you achieve a stunning new smile that looks and feels completely natural. Contact us today to learn more and begin your journey toward a transformed smile!

Book a schedule now and let’s see what we can improve