Our Treatments
If you’re dealing with dental trauma or persistent toothache caused by infection or disease, a tooth extraction might be necessary to preserve your smile. We understand the importance of saving natural teeth, but if conservative treatment doesn’t work, extraction becomes an option. Our talented dentist provides gentle extractions in a relaxing atmosphere, ensuring your comfort throughout the process. We prioritize your oral and overall health, as a damaged or abscessed tooth can lead to more serious complications. With our sedation dentistry and affordable pricing, we make the path to restored health surprisingly simple. Trust us to take care of your smile and alleviate your pain.
The Advantages of Tooth Extraction
Experience the benefits of a tooth extraction at our Cosmetic & Natural Dental Office in Sacramento, CA:
Get relief from tooth pain and sensitivity with our cosmetic and natural dental office in Sacramento, CA. Experience the benefits, restore oral health and comfort and forget about dental issues. Book an appointment today by contacting us!
Tooth Extraction
During your initial consultation, we’ll carefully examine your tooth or teeth to determine if an extraction is necessary. Our priority is not only your health but also finding a budget-friendly solution that suits you. Rest assured, our experienced dentist and dental team routinely perform efficient and pain-free tooth extraction procedures. Before you know it, your procedure will be complete! Your healing period will last a few days, and over-the-counter medication can help ease any discomfort. We’ll provide you with detailed post-operative instructions and recommendations for a healthy and comfortable recovery.
Wisdom tooth extraction is one of our specialties too. We understand the importance of your comfort during the procedure, so we offer sedation dentistry if needed. Our skilled team will carefully remove your wisdom teeth while preserving your bone and gum tissues. After your surgery, we’ll provide thorough instructions for your recovery and at-home care to promote healing and minimize the risk of infection.
At the Cosmetic & Natural Dental Office, we are dedicated to providing exceptional care and ensuring your dental experience is positive, stress-free, and tailored to your needs.
Book a schedule now and let’s see what we can improve